Minggu, 07 Januari 2018

Battery Drain Lollipop Z3

I just updated to lollipop and my phone is awake 100% of the time. i restarted the phone twice and that didn't help. it went from ~65% to 4% in.... If you already updated your sony xperia z3 (compact) to lollipop, what is your experience (and what we can expect) with the battery life in stamina mode while the. Looking for a sony xperia z3 battery drain fix? learn how to fix xperia z3 battery drain after lollipop update. useful for non-lollipop too. orduh. menu. accessories;.

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Im now working in muscat and didn't receive android lollipop update for my xperia z3 compact i updated my z3 compact to 5.0 2 days ago and it drains my battery. I've been try this way to get a better battery performance on your xperia m lollipop users, as long as we know xperia m lollipop user have battery drain c…. I love pretty much everything about this phone and can't imagine it being much better. one of the reasons i bought it was for the famed battery life. most….

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